The Mind-Boggling Potential of Global D-Commerce

E-commerce is now part of everyone’s vocabulary. No matter how you spell it (ecommerce? eCommerce? Ecommerce? e-commerce? e-Commerce?), we all know it stands for electronic commerce. But what about D-commerce? Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it. Most people haven’t. But it’s already changing billions of lives. Continue reading

My Year of Learning

If 2014 had a theme for me, I’d say it was a year of Learning – with a capital L. I did a lot of it, and on many fronts. I learned how to start my own business and how to build my own website. I learned how to manage collaborative work projects, and how to produce estimates and invoices using FreshBooks. I learned about the value of attending local networking groups, the incredible potential of social media, and I discovered that I truly enjoy the process of developing my business network through both those channels. Continue reading

In Praise of… Podcasts!

I love a good podcast, don’t you? And these days, there are so many good ones to choose from, I only wish I had more time to listen to them all. Podcasts entertain me, they keep me informed, they teach me things, they answer my questions, they give me new ideas, they challenge me to do things better (or differently, or for the first time), and they provide me with inspiration. Sort of like a good friend, really. And at their very best, they manage to do all these things simultaneously. Continue reading